Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Today was cloudy, wet day but no rain and you already know that didn't stop these dogs. They're always ready for action! We went walking through the Fellsway Trails and pretty much had the whole place to ourselves.

The dogs were crazy enough to dive right into the water as I sat back waiting for summer!

We found a fish lying on the rocks by the water that Mikey just wanted to roll himself in. Of course, I grabbed it away right then and threw in back into the water. This is a reminder for all you fishermen: Catch and Release! If you're not going to eat it then what's the point?!

Daisy and Mazy aren't really seafood fans...

Bailey got the biggest stick of course and carried it with him the whole trail that looked about 15 ft. long as Seryn just howled away at the birds and Maggie chewed on her ball.

The dogs are all tired out and resting to be up and ready for round two!

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